Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just a moment.

life is complicated. it is not hard to live , but trying to understand and question life is where u ll end up in depression.

Thus , i am once again , lost.

In fact, i m even more depressed not knowing the cause of my depression.

I always believed that things happen for a reason. But last week , i tried to accept things without any reasons.

It certainly didnt work well.

So today , I would like to share with you my way of handling depression. Steps are below. Dont trip.

1. Find a toilet which you are comfortable with, and get yo ass in there and take a hot shower.

2. Next, go get a place where you can sit . If theres none , use the toilet bowl.

3. In a sitting position (not squat duh) , submerge yourself in your own darkness. Guilt , regret , hate , loneliness, anything. 1 minute.

4. Run the tap water. Pour the streams continuously on your head. Do it heads down. U will feel a soothing sensation while the water is cooling your head off. 2 minutes.

5. Continue to recall the depression, worries and maintain the posture for another 2 minutes.

6. You should have enough of that depression by now. Use the remaining time to reflect on the past events, and gather every bits of courage and willpower you got to execute what you need to do . 1 minute.

7. Get outta freaking toilet & dont look back . Just remember =\ the depression you get today is for tommorow's happiness. So , dont let the depression go to waste.
Life isnt about making the best choices. Its about making the best out of every choice.

1 comment:

Ling said...

oik,i don't usually check my blog. so sorry for this late reply.i don't know any solution to it. but normally either i end things or i just forget it. simple what.