Sunday, July 26, 2009

should i start all over again

no i shouldnt.

starting all over is boring.

life is a game, yes ?

time to play it differently then.

path chosen , good or bad, we should strive our best at it no ?


p.s =) i never regret failing. i m nt afraid of failing. i m nt afraid of the calamities which is gonna befall me. i m nt afraid of how ppl look at me, treat me because of my failure . maybe a little , yes.

i dont mind ppl looking down on me. step on me. boss me around. i had a high tolerance & patience against these things.

sometimes i do act tough , yet i could be so timid in many things.

i spent a great deal of time at home these days. i ran away from college. gonna drop out of it soon.

but now , at this very moment . to continue being overshadowed by my darkness of being a society deviant or

get myself involved with something new and then regret it later.

i appreciate all the things which happened around me , happy & sad times, i will always cherish them in my mind

for yer all who read this , just to let you know . i m okay . okay.
