Monday, February 25, 2008

I .. I .. Lol. I'm Woo Wai Kit. o(^.^)==o Puch !

It has been a long while , ever since I felt this way . Usually bored , and low in self confidence, U can often find me confined in my room , eternally locked in the cage of boredom. But today , I did something i wouldnt have thought of myself. I BROKE OUT OF MY NORM.
It feels as if I saw a glimpse of my own life, how I want it to be and most importantly It made me happy in a way. Theres more & more meaning to living in this world. Found out that there is so many things out there to be done, experienced and lived.

And 1 more thing before i forgot =x. About my college life. I may have taken a liking to this *** ***** but that doesnt mean that I had Given in my Heart yet . True , I had a hard experience but as i continued to probe myself further i uncover a lil bit more about my own personality.
The "like" which i felt is more towards admiration of that bubbly personality of urs . Yup , Minus that 38 ness .LOL. Anyways , i m off to collect nice dramas for all the sixers to watch .
I m quiet , but that doesnt mean i m always troubled by that reason . The things going on in my mind are of course problems that i started in the first place . Once a gamer , always a gamer. Once a sixer , always a sixer too . No regrets whatsoever.

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